Factor® 540
Factor® 540 is a higher concentrated formulation of glyphosate for non selective weed control in most crop systems. Factor® 540 is a water soluble herbicide for the control of broadleaf and grass weeds in pre-seed, chem fallow, pre-harvest and post harvest applications. Factor®540 is also registered for weed control in glyphosate tolerant crop varieties with the Roundup Ready® gene, such as canola, soybeans and corn.
Active Ingredient / Group
- Glyphosate (Present as Potassium Salt) / Group 9 Herbicide
Key Crops
- RR Canola
- RR Soybeans
- RR Corn
- Pre-seed/pre-harvest/post-harvest
- Chem-fallow
Key Weeds
- Annual broadleafs
- Annual grasses
- Perennial broadleaf
- Perennial grasses
Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.
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