IPCO MicroPack BCMZ is a liquid concentrate used for correcting deficiencies in growing crops. This product is designed for use in blended fertilizer. Do not apply directly to crop or soil.

Active Ingredients

  • Boron (B)………………..3.5%
  • Copper (Cu)……………5.3%
  • Manganese (Mn)……5.3%
  • Zin (Zn)…………………..11.5%

Mixing Instructions: Use a fertilizer blender with impregnation equipment or its equivalent to uniformly coat the fertilizer particles with IPCO MicroPack BCMZ.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO MicroPack Zn

IPCO MicroPack Zn is a liquid zinc concentrate used for correcting zinc deficiencies in growing crops. This product is designed for use in blended fertilizer. Do not apply directly to crop or soil.

Active Ingredient

  • Zinc (Zn)………………39.5%/Micronutrient Suspension

Mixing Instructions: Use a fertilizer blender with impregnation equipment or its equivalent to uniformly coat the fertilizer particles with IPCO MicroPack Zn.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO MicroPack Cu

IPCO MicroPack Cu is a liquid copper concentrate used for correcting copper deficiencies in growing crops. This product is designed for use in blended fertilizer. Do not apply directly to crop or soil.

Active Ingredient

  • Copper (Cu)……………31.2%/Micronutrient Suspension

Mixing Instructions: Use a fertilizer blender with impregnation equipment or its equivalent to uniformly coat the fertilizer particles with IPCO MicroPack Cu.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO MicroPack B

IPCO MicroPack B is a liquid boron concentrate used for correcting boron deficiencies in growing crops. This product is designed for use in blended fertilizer. Do not apply directly to crop or soil.

Active Ingredient

  • Boron (B)………………7.0%/Micronutrient Suspension

Mixing Instructions: Use a fertilizer blender with impregnation equipment or its equivalent to uniformly coat the fertilizer particles with IPCO MicroPack B.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Ammonium Sulphate

IPCO Ammonium Sulphate (AMS) is a liquid spray grade utility modifier.

IPCO AMS has a concentration of 0.4 kg/kg (40% solution).

Mixing Instructions: Always add Ammonium Sulphate to the spray tank first before adding other pesticides.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO MSO Adjuvant

IPCO MSO Adjuvant is a modified vegetable oil adjuvant made from soybean oil that enhances wetting and spreading of the active ingredient on the target surface.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • Surfactant Blend 100%

Key Crops

  • IPCO MSO Adjuvant is designed for use with pest control products as labeled.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Surfact-ON®

Surfact-On® is a utility modifier intended to reduce off-target movements of the active ingredient in the spray solution. When used with pesticides, Surfact-ON® functions by minimizing the formation of driftable fines that are more likely to drift off-target.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • Proprietary drift reduction agent 100%

Key Crops

  • Surfact-ON® is designed for use with herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Nitrolizer Duo

Nitrolizer Duo is a dual-function product, that offers above and below ground protection for urea-based nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrolizer Duo is recommended for use urea and urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution fertilizer. Nitrolizer Duo contains N-(n-butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), a urease inhibitor to minimize ammonia volatility losses and Dicyandiamide (DCD), a nitrification inhibitor.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • N-(n-butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) 15% ; Dicyandiamide (DCD) 15%

Key Crops

  • For all commercially grown crops and improved grass pastures.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Nitrolizer Dart

Nitrolizer Dart is a concentrated liquid fertilizer additive for use on Urea and UAN solutions. It contains dicyandiamide (DCD), a nitrification inhibitor. This allows the crop to access and effectively utilize more of the applied nitrogen. Nitrolizer Dart may be used when applying urea or UAN solutions for all forms of surface and sub-surface applications.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • Dicyandiamide (DCD) 30%

Key Crops

  • For all commercially grown crops and improved grass pastures.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Nitrolizer

Nitrolizer is a concentrated liquid fertilizer additive for use on Urea and UAN solutions. Nitrolizer contains N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide, an Urease inhibitor which inhibits the enzymatic activity of Urease. By inhibiting Urease enzyme activity, conversion from Urea to ammonia is delayed and ammonia losses from volatility are minimized. Nitrolizer may be used when applying Urea or UAN solution for all forms of surface applications, including: Pre-Plant, Pre-Emergence, Side-Dress.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • N-(n-butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) >38%

Key Crops

  • For all commercially grown crops and improved grass pastures.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Surfactant NI

Surfactant NI increases cuticle penetration and speed of efficacy; increases speed of harvest dry down when paired with desiccants; acidifies mix water to reduce degradation of pesticide in the spray tank caused by water pH; reduces surface tension and improves wettability for increased adhesion and plant uptake; reduces drift by limiting small droplets.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • Surfactant blend 100%

Key Crops

Follow non-ionic surfactant recommendations on product labels and use only as required.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO UAN (28-0-0)

UAN is a 28-0-0 urea ammonium nitrate solution used in agricultural crop production. Use in accordance with recommendations of a qualified individual or institution such as, but not limited to: a certified crop advisor, agronomist, university crop extension publication; or apply according to recommendations in your approved nutrient management plan. IPCO UAN is available in 2 x 8 Litre cases and 160 Litre Poly drums c/w Dip Tubes.

Mixing Instructions: Fill application tank half full with water and start agitation. Add the proper amount of UAN, continue filling with water and continue agitation until all solution has been applied. Nitrogen solutions left standing for long periods of time should be agitated before application to ensure even distribution.

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Ag Surf® II

IPCO Ag-Surf® II is a new formulation of a non-ionic surfactant with enhanced adjuvant technologies. Ag Surf® II has an expanded label that includes many popular herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. The addition of Ag-Surf® II improves the wetting, sticking, and penetration characteristics of the product with which it is mixed. Always refer to the manufacturer label for complete recommendations.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • N/A

Compatible Products

  • Glyphosate
  • Reglone
  • Everest and other sulfonyl ureas
  • Pursuit
  • Horizon and other clodinifops

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS

IPCO Ag Surf® Original

IPCO Ag Surf® Original is a non-ionic surfactant that improves the wetting, sticking and penetration characteristics of many insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, such as Simplicity Go-Dri.

Active Ingredient / Group

  • N/A

Compatible Products

  • Glyphosate
  • Reglone
  • Sulfonyl urea

Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.

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Product Label

English Label

French Label

Safety Data Sheet

English SDS

French SDS