IPCO Exhilarate
Exhilarate™ A is a selective herbicide for postemergent control of annual broadleaf weeds including chickweed, cleavers, lady’s thumb, lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, volunteer canola, volunteer flax and wild buckwheat in spring wheat (including durum), winter wheat and spring barley.
Active Ingredient / Group
- Halauxifen (present as methyl ester) 20%/Group 4 Herbicide
- Florasulam 20%/Group 2 Herbicide
Key Crops
- Spring wheat (including durum)
- Winter wheat
- Spring barley
Key Weeds
- Wild buckwheat
- Volunteer canola
- Chickweed
- Cleavers (1-9 whorl stage)
- Dandelion (seedlings & over-wintered rosettes up to 30 cm in diameter)
- Canada fleabane (up to 15 cm in height)
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild mustard
- Common ragweed (up to 6-leaf stage)
- Redroot pigweed
- Round-leaved mallow (up to the 6-leaf stage)
- Shepherd’s-purse (up to bolting & 20 cm in height)
- Smartweed (green smartweed, lady’s thumb)
- Annual sow-thistle (up to 4 leaf stage)
- Stinkweed
- Velvetleaf (up to the 5-leaf stage)
Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.
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