Tracker® XP
A post-emergent broadleaf herbicide for Wheat (spring, durum and winter), Barley, Oats, stubble fields, summerfallow and Annual Canary Grass. Tracker® XP controls buckwheat (wild & tartary), kochia, hempnettle, supression of Canada Thistle, cleavers, common ragweed, green smartweed, mustards and many others. Tracker® XP may be tank mixed with Legend or Horizon NG® for the control of many broadleaf weeds and green foxtail/wild oats – in wheat only.
Active Ingredient / Group
- MCPA, Mecoprop-P, Dicamba (Present as Dimethylamine Salt) / Group 4 Herbicide
Key Crops
- Wheat (Spring, Winter, Durum)
- Barley
- Oats
- Canary seed
- Chem-fallow
Key Weeds
- Wild buckwheat
- Kochia
- Cleavers
- Volunteer canola
- Redroof pigweed
Always refer to the label for complete recommendations.
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